Eclectic Music Guy Version 2.0

Hello!!  It's 2023 and I'm back!  

It's been YEARS since I've been on this blog that I started and sadly, let go to the wayside.  Looking back on it has brought a lot of memories and I decided to revamp and restart it!  

While I plan to still do concert reviews, I'm also going to be talking about various albums, my vinyl collection (almost 1,500 in total), record shopping experiences and my new life in Chicago.  

I made the move in summer of 2020 and it's been one of the best decisions I've ever made.  Since the last time I was on this blog, I've also gotten married to a handsome ginger named Ryan, who thankfully supports my music addiction.  

Excited to get this up and running again so feel free to comment or reach out!  New posts on the way!


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